Fibro Reading

I’ll update this page as I discover more. Please contact with me with recommendations.

International Support Fibromyalgia Network:

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner (he is a Rabbi, but this classic book reads well for all human beings)

Dr. Liptan, Fibro Doctor & Fellow Warrior:

Dr. Liptan’s Books:

Why does a handshake or gentle hug hurt me/you? It’s called allodynia.

How Ketamine Infusions Can Help: I get mine through my pain management doctor at Oschner Baptist, my local hospital, and at the Ketamine Infusion Center in Covington, La., which can give a higher dose infusion. Hope the ketamine inhaler comes to Baptist sooner than later.

How Low-Dose Naltrexone Can Help:  I take 4.5mg LDN nightly for inflammation associated with fibro. Patio Drugs in Metairie is my local compounding pharmacy for LDN. They deliver.

Being Fibro Mom:

Fed Up With Fatigue:

Take Back Your Life, by Tami Stacklehouse